Choosing a Tutor in Preparation for Exams

Exam time can be a stressful period for everyone involved. If your child needs extra help in a particular subject, of course, you may be thinking of hiring a tutor to get them through or improve their grades. This is a good idea but choosing the right person can also...

Top Tips on Helping Your Child With Their Homework

Once children start school, parents have to consider the prospect of homework. While this can be an exciting time as your child begins to learn new things, it can also be pretty challenging. Children can be enthusiastic or resistant to homework depending on their...

School Communication Barriers

As a company that helps schools communicate better in this brilliant technological age, working to bring down barriers is one thing that we’re particularly focused on at Parentapps. Most teachers and heads of school understand that good communication and involvement...

Parent’s Evening: Questions to Ask Teachers

One of the most important times that mums and dads get to meet teachers is during a parent’s evening. While these can be useful to understand how your child is doing in specific subjects and whether there are any problems, they can be quite hectic. Going in prepared...

Help with Pupil Premium

Since the launch of the Universal Infant Free School Meal Policy, schools have struggled to get parents to register for Pupil Premium because there is no longer the same incentive for parents to do so. Whilst the increase in children receiving school meals is fantastic…

How Surveys Can Help Improve Parental Engagement

The Surveys feature of Parentapps Connect, provides schools and nurseries with an easy way to find out what is and isn’t working when it comes to parental engagement. And, because you can choose whether to send them to the whole school, particular year groups, or…

How your school’s app can help with phonics

Now that Spring has begun, it will soon be time to start preparing your pupils for the Phonics Key Stage 1 Screening Check. Many children could benefit from having extra phonics help at home. And, many parents would be more than happy to work with their children in…

How an app can help improve safeguarding

Safeguarding is one of the biggest areas of concern for any nursery or school today. And, as parental engagement specialists, it is something that we take into great consideration when building our communication apps. A secure parental communication app can help put…

The Benefits of Having a Nursery App

If you want to build better engagement and keep your current parents up to date with the latest developments, you should consider a dedicated communication app for your nursery.
Increasingly, organisations are choosing to create their own apps to complement their…

Why Should Your School Have a Dedicated App?

Apps are everywhere. Collectively we download billions of them to our mobile phones and tablets each year. We do our weekly food shops, book flights and bank all from apps on our mobile devices.
But is a dedicated app suitable for your school? Can it deliver better…

For most schools, the logistics of staying in contact with parents has long been problematical and costly. Printing out information and making sure everyone has got a copy means that many organisations are using a significant amount of their operating budget simply trying to communicate often mundane, every day information.

From timetable changes and upcoming events and field trips, it seems the list of things schools need to tell parents and pupils is never ending.

Printing out costs money

The traditional way of telling parents of an upcoming event or important issue is to send out a hard copy letter. Of course, this needs to be printed out, put into an envelope by staff and either sent out or given to a pupil to take home. For large schools with many students this represents a drain on resources and time which could be better utilised for other things.

All schools are working hard to make sure they reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable and greener environment. Over the course of a year, an average sized school may well go through several hundred or thousands of reams of paper to make sure that their parents are kept up to date with all sorts of issues.

Whilst the latest multi-function printers are designed to be more eco-friendly, they still use a large amount of electricity as well as resources such as toner and paper that are a drain on finances and damage those important green credentials.

Staff time

Not only do you need to have the printer and paper to send out information but you also require the staff to carry out each job. That means an administrator might well be tied up at the printer and sorting letters rather than doing something more important. That doesn’t take into account when there is an emergency and staff have to man the phones to inform parents.

Changing the way we do things

Fortunately, there are now ways for every school to help cut down the costs and reduce that carbon footprint. By simply introducing a school app for parents and pupils, communication suddenly becomes much easier and a lot more effective.

Parents can download a school app onto their mobile phones and receive all information via push notifications and stay up to date. Most schools already use their website to keep interested parties informed but the great thing about an app is that parents can access it anywhere and at any time. Whether it’s on mobile or tablet, information is available at the touch of a button and notifications can be accessed instantaneously.

Not only does it make things easier and more accessible for parents, it makes all that expensive printing and posting a thing of the past, releasing valuable resources that can then be put into more important areas of the school. With most of us now owning some sort of mobile device, there is certainly little doubt that the move towards better connectivity is beginning to make a big difference in our schools.

Image sourced from Calico Spanish via Creative Commons